Interview with art critic and philosopher Lars-Erik Hjertström Lappalainen in Swedish magazine Fotografisk tidskrift.
Read the full text here (in Swedish): En värld av förfall och löjlighet
A diary of dysfunctional desire
Interview with art critic and philosopher Lars-Erik Hjertström Lappalainen in Swedish magazine Fotografisk tidskrift.
Read the full text here (in Swedish): En värld av förfall och löjlighet
I wrote a short text about my artists book Various chewing gums in the latest issue of Verk tidskrift.
Read it here (in Swedish): I ledan spricker tingen
From Fotografisk tidskrift:
“Photographer Simon Mlangeni-Berg elected the Photo Authors’ Board.
On weekdays, he is a teacher in creative photography at Gamleby Folkhögskola. He also runs the publisher Blackbook Publications together with a group of Nordic artists/photographers.
How does it feel to be on the board?
“It feels excellent. I just got home from the first meeting. It is a very dedicated board and they have a difficult task, I realized quickly. Society doesn’t always change in a way that is completely optimal for the photo book, so it’s important to be proactive and a little bit everywhere, he says.”
Read the article (in Swedish) here: Simon Mlangeni-Berg i fotoförfattarstyrelsen